Physical Education Department
Designation | Name |
HOD PE/CCA | Mr S Elangovan |
Assistant Year Head | Mr Ong Eng Kia Aloysius |
Teachers | Mr Tan Lee Hock James |
Mr Faaiz Ishar | |
Mr Mohammed Ariff B Mohtar | |
Mr Lum Mun Kit Joseph | |
Mdm Rosnita Ismail (SHA) |
A department that develops the whole person.
We are committed to develop our pupils holistically through a wide array of programmes based on the school’s strategic thrusts and shared values.
Key Programmes
Overview of PE Programmme in Tampines Secondary School
The 2014 PE syllabus articulates an inclusive approach to physical education and sports development and a nation of active and physically competent individuals. Thus, in Tampines Secondary School, the PE department believes in equipping our students with broad-based knowledge of different sports and provide opportunities for exploration of interest.
Across the years in TPSS, our students will experience physical health and fitness conditioning, running module, principle of games, skills acquisition in sports like football, netball, badminton, volleyball, ultimate frisbee, tag rugby, softball, floorball, tchoukball and outdoor education.
Principles of Games
The Principle of Games or POG is based on the concept of Teaching Games for Understanding which was developed by researchers at Loughborough University. It focuses on student learning through playing games.
Our students were taught games principles under the following 3 categories:
- Net/Barrier
- Striking/Fielding
- Invasion/Territorial
POG’s main idea is:
- Break the games down into key ideas and concepts and allowing our students to play even with a beginner’s ability.
- Highlight the transference of games concepts across sports within the same category.
An overview of the Principle of Games
Outdoor Education
The Outdoor Education lessons provide the foundation for the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable students to be comfortable and safe in the outdoors.
The module provides opportunities for theoretical concepts such as risk management to be enacted in authentic outdoor settings. It focuses on three strands:
- Enhancing physical health and wellbeing;
- Building competency in assessing and managing risk; and
- Developing a sense of place.
Objectives of Outdoor Education
Outdoor Education Module: Structure Building
Secondary One Experiential Camp
As part of the National Outdoor Adventure Education Masterplan the programme seeks to develop ruggedness, resilience, and build cohesion amongst our students.
Through the camp, or students will be able to:
- Learn about themselves
- Build friendships amongst their team and actively help each other to achieve team goals in an inclusive manner; and
- Understand the importance of caring for the environment
Secondary One Experiential Camp - Tent Pitching
Secondary One Experiential Camp - Flying fox
Secondary One Experiential Camp - Team Bonding Games / Low Elements
MOE-OBS Challenge
MOE-OBS Challenge was introduced with these objectives in mind:
- Develop well-rounded individuals
- Outdoor Education (OE) provides rich learning experiences outside the classroom and helps our students to develop holistically, building up their resilience and ruggedness
- Authentic learning experiences help our students to develop 21st century competencies as well as competencies for sustainable, active and healthy living
Every year, it has become a rite of passage for our Secondary 3 students to go through the programme.
OBS: Kayaking Safety Brief
OBS: Confidence Course
OBS: Sea Expedition
Games Creation
The Games Creation module is a cumulation of what the students have learnt in their four years of the PE program.
By applying the concepts learnt in PE, the objective of the module is for students to exercise their creativity and teamwork to come up with either:
- Entirely new games
- Modified games
- Games with modified equipment
TPSS Inter-Class Games
The Inter-Class Games are conducted across the levels to foster camaraderie amongst peers and to provide an additional platform for students to display sportsmanship, team-work and leadership qualities.
Inter-Class Floorball Competition
Inter-Class Handball Competition
Class 1- 4 with Dinosaur Mascot during Inter-Class Games!
Tampines Secondary School Mass Run
The TPSS Mass Run is an annual event held:
- To inculcate a culture of healthy living amongst our staff, students and parents.
- Provide an outlet of friendly competition for Tampinesians.
- Provide an authentic environment to demonstrate our school values.
Runners warming up for the run
Running while enjoying the picturesque view of Bedok Reservoir
Highlights & Achievements
Tampines Secondary School Flag Ceremony
CCAs are an important and integral part of our holistic education. Students develop their interests through their participation in CCAs as they learn values and life skills, develop their identity, build relationships, and learn to make the right choices that prepare them for the future beyond school.
The CCA Flags are a symbol for students’ affiliation and CCA pride. The ceremony symbolises the school entrusting the various CCAs to develop students holistically and allowing students to feel proud of their CCAs.
Proud CCA Teacher and Captain receiving the Flag from Principal Mr Lan
The flag ceremony is also held in conjunction with the start of our National School Games. This is where our student athletes take their athletes oath for fair play at the games. It is also a time for the for the school to show their support for the hard work and dedication these student athletes put in to represent the school in their individual sports.
Student representatives taking the Athletes’ Oath
Student supporters taking the Spectator’s Oath
Teachers and Coaches taking the Coaches’ Oath
TPSS Boardminton
The PE department team conceptualized the idea of using board game to teach the tactical concepts in Net-barrier games. The Boardminton project started in 2019 and the final product was finally completed in Nov 2021. In 2022, the board game was used as a teaching tool to aid in the teaching of tactical concepts in badminton which was a sport that was taught at the Secondary 3 level.
PE HOD, Mr Elangovan sharing with colleagues the rules of the game
Through the game, we were able to engage students and teach them concepts that might not have happened in the game-play due to the student’s technical ability. The students very quickly grasped the concept of attacking and defending space in badminton.
During one of the school’s staff sharing session, the PE department shared the project with the rest of the school staff who agreed that the board game was fun and engaging. The department also subsequently shared the project as one of the presentations during the TCEF 2023 Conference and was well received by its attendees.