Discipline Procedures
foAll Tampinesians are to comply with the following procedures. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action taken against them.
• Attendance in school is compulsory. Students are also required to attend all activities planned for them (e.g. lessons after school, CCA training sessions, enrichment courses, learning journeys, school events) unless certified medically unfit for school or excused due to valid reasons.
• Parents/guardians of students must inform the General Office at Tel: 67835423 when their child/ward is not able to report to school by 7:30 AM (or 8:55 AM on Wednesdays).
• Students must submit a medical certificate (MC) to the form teacher upon his/her return to school.
• The school will take into consideration letters from parents/guardians for non-medical emergencies / urgent family matters. A maximum of 4 letters per semester will be accepted.
• Absence without a valid reason is deemed as Truancy and students will face due consequences.
• Students are required to attend school every day, as well as all activities planned for them including CCAs, school events etc. Regular attendance is important to support their learning and progression to the next level.
• If students are certified medically unfit, they are required to submit a medical certificate (MC) to the Form Teacher upon their return to school. The school will take into consideration letters from parents/guardians for non-medical emergencies/urgent family matters. Please note that a maximum of 4 letters per semester may be accepted.
• Absence without a valid reason is deemed as truancy and students will face disciplinary consequences.
• Students are also required to be punctual for morning assembly.
• Reporting Times for Students:
Wednesdays: Students should report by 8:55 AM.
All Other Days: Students should report by 7:30 AM
• A student who is not with his or her class by then is considered late for school. Students who are late 3 times or more will face disciplinary consequences. Students may refer to the school website for details of each week’s assembly venues: /others/students/weeklyassemblyvenues/
• Students who report after 9:10 AM on Wednesdays, or after 8:00 AM on all other days, should have their names recorded at the Guard House and will be issued a blue permission slip. They must then report to the General Office and have the blue permission slip stamped and signed. Students who report late will have to serve detention after school or suspension from class immediately on the day itself.
• Students who are persistently late may be suspended from class and parents/guardians must see the Principal/ HOD (SM) before they are allowed to return to class.
Only one student may leave the classroom at any one time.
Students will be required to surrender their mobile phone when leaving the classroom during lessons.
Students are not allowed to leave the classroom in between lessons.
Students who skip class will face disciplinary action.
Students who need to leave the school during school hours for official reasons (such as medical appointments or examinations at external venues) must submit the relevant document and/or parents/guardians’ letter of request to the Form Teacher. Students will then be given the “Permission to Leave School Early” form (green form) to complete which must be signed by the Principal / HOD / OM / AM.
Students who are unwell and wish to go home should inform the subject teacher in the classroom and request permission to report to the General Office. Students must be accompanied by a class leader.
Students who are not well are not allowed to go home on their own. Parents/Guardians must fetch them from school. Parents/ Guardians must also complete the “Permission to Leave School Early” form (green form) which must be signed by the Principal / HOD / OM / AM.
Students who need to leave the school early for other personal reasons, must produce a signed letter from the parent/ guardian stating the reasons clearly
In the event of an unforeseen circumstance or emergency, students are to report to the General Office to seek approval form the School Leaders for early departure from school.
Students who leave school without permission will face disciplinary action.
- Food and drinks must be consumed in the canteen, with the exception of classroom snack times.
- Students must queue in an orderly manner to purchase food and drinks.
- Students are to return their utensils into the receptacles provided and dispose empty packets and cans etc. after their meal.
- Students are not allowed to bring sweetened drinks or food back to the classrooms.
The following items are not to be brought to school:
Combs with sharp ends
Cosmetics and perfume
Cigarettes, vaporisers and lighters
Students are not allowed to have any weapons in their possession. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which can be used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
All restricted items will be confiscated by teachers and/or the Discipline Committee, and parents/guardians will be informed.
Relevant authorities such the police and HSA will be informed of these restricted items.
Learning in a Blended Learning Environment
- Students will be taken to task for non-adherence to academic discipline by committing academic misdemeanors which include the following:
- Non-submission of quality student work (both in-class and HBL assignments)
- Not following PLD routines
The above list of procedures is not exhaustive. Students who contravene the rules and procedures will be subjected to disciplinary action. The school reserves the right to review the consequences periodically and to impose the consequences as deemed fit.